Ballet feet in black and white

The Dance of Motherhood: Integrating Physiotherapy into Your Prenatal Care


Written by Chelsey Kerry | April 9th, 2024

Pregnancy, a time of beautiful transformation, can often feel like a jumbled choreography of hormonal shifts, physical changes, and emotional highs and lows.

But fear not! Just as a skilled dancer learns to move with poise, you too can glide through the stages of motherhood with ease, armed with the secret weapon of physiotherapy!

During pregnancy, your body is the✨star✨ of the show.

It's doing a marathon performance, stretching and growing in ways you never imagined. It's no wonder aches and pains try to steal the spotlight. But here’s where physiotherapy enters stage left with a standing ovation. It's your personal choreographer, sculpting the moves that support your body's changing needs, helping maintain your posture, balance and flexibility.

Now, let’s talk about the core – the very centre of our dance. With baby on board, your abdominal muscles stretch like the elastic waist of your favourite pre-pregnancy pants. A physiotherapist, your unsung hero, can teach you exercises that strengthen your majestic core, reducing the risk of diastasis recti (when your abs decide to part ways temporarily).

Moving on to pelvic floor muscles – these heroes hold up the “grand stage” (your pelvic organs) as you carry your tiny co-star. Through targeted exercises, your physiotherapist can help ensure your pelvic floor stays strong and supple through pregnancy. This means waving goodbye to unwanted leaks when you laugh, sneeze, or practise your happy dance!

As you step into each trimester with a new set of physical milestones, your physiotherapist tailors the routine by making necessary adjustments. Prenatal massages, stretches, and joint care all take centre stage, ensuring each moment of your pregnancy is as comfortable as can be.

Now, let’s not forget the sacred art of relaxation. It’s like the slow, soothing portion of a ballet. Physiotherapy provides tools for deep breathing and stress release, setting the tempo for a serene mind and a body in harmony with the life growing inside you.

Finally, when it’s time for the curtain call – aka labour and delivery – you’ll be equipped with breathing techniques and positions that can facilitate a smoother performance.

So there you have it, the stunning choreography of integrating physiotherapy into your prenatal care.🩰

It's about harmonising with the natural rhythms of motherhood, tuning into your body's needs, and creating a graceful flow throughout your pregnancy journey.

Before we sign off, we want to provide you with a list of wellness tips to ensure you have a magical pregnancy equipped with self-care suggestions:

** P.S You can find most of these suggestions here at our clinic with our diverse integrative healthcare team.

🧘🏼‍♀️Prenatal Yoga 🧘🏼‍♀️

Integrates gentle stretches and poses designed to enhance flexibility, circulation, and mental focus, while also preparing the body for childbirth.

🌸Pelvic Floor Exercises🌸

Helps to promote movement and coordination to your pelvic floor in relation to your inner core unit (including your diaphragm!). When your pelvic floor muscles move in unison with the entire inner core unit, you will experience improved strength, mobility, rhythm and endurance of this important muscle group, which can support a smoother birth and recovery process.

💆🏼‍♀️Prenatal Massage 💆🏼‍♀️

Alleviates discomforts such as backaches and swelling, and promotes relaxation and stress relief.

✨Mindfulness and Meditation✨

Encourages relaxation, stress management, and a deepened connection with your body and developing baby.

🤍Breathing Techniques🤍

Prepares you for labour by practicing deep breathing exercises that can help manage pain and keep you calm during delivery

🧖🏼‍♀️Warm Baths🧖🏼‍♀️

Soaking in a warm bath can soothe sore muscles, relieve tension, and provide a peaceful space for relaxation.

🌷Aromatherapy 🌷

Use of essential oils like lavender for relaxation can help reduce stress and improve your overall sense of well-being during pregnancy.

🍏 Nutritional Counselling 🍏

Incorporating a nutritionist's advice to maintain a balanced diet that supports both maternal health and fetal development.

💧 Hydration 💧

Ensuring adequate fluid intake to maintain amniotic fluid levels, reduce swelling, and enhance overall body functions.

💤 Restorative Sleep 💤

Prioritising comfortable sleeping positions and creating a peaceful bedtime routine to promote restful sleep.

💃🏽 Gentle Exercise 💃🏽

Regular, low-impact activities such as walking or swimming that can help maintain fitness and reduce pregnancy-related discomforts.

⚡️ Chiropractic Care ⚡️

Gentle spinal adjustments and alignments to relieve discomfort, improve posture, and optimise fetal positioning.

🌱 Acupuncture 🌱

Can help manage pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, pain, and stress and promote overall health.

Remember, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new therapeutic practice during pregnancy.

Keep dancing through your motherhood journey and remember – your body is the most beautiful instrument you’ll ever own, and it's capable of the most remarkable ballet of all: creating life!

Join us at Holistic Physiotherapy and Wellness, where we keep your health center stage.

Your cheerleader,

Chelsey Kerry, Physiotherapist, Pelvic Health Therapist


Chelsey Kerry

Physiotherapist, Pelvic Health Therapist, Dry Needling Practitioner


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